Together We K.A.N

Kingdom Apostolic Network (K.A.N.), a voluntary association of ministers who accept the apostolic authority of Bishop Hazel Thrower and the Apostolic Council. This Network is built on the scriptural foundation of Acts 4:32: “…and they had all things common.” For it is our belief that together we “kan” make an impact for the Kingdom of God!
Becoming a Member
"All Things Common"

Becoming an affiliate of Kingdom Apostolic Network (K.A.N.), a voluntary association of ministers who accept the apostolic authority of Bishop Hazel Thrower and the Apostolic Council. This Network is built on the scriptural foundation of Acts 4:32: “…and they had all things common.” For it is our belief that together we “kan” make an impact for the Kingdom of God!
Prior to becoming associated with KAN, those with interest will first meet with Bishop Hazel and/or a designated member of the Apostolic Council, to ensure willingness to relate to and accept the apostolic covering and authority outlined herein. Provided to read and review: The Vision/Mission Statement, Core Values, Statement of Faith, Statement of Moral Standards, and the section of the Constitution relating to the Apostolic Network - providing terms of agreement with what’s outlined. Finally and most importantly, please PRAY and ask the Lord if it is His will for you to be a part of this network.
Affiliation is open to Senior Ministers only, either leading a church or heading up their own ministry. Those who are in subordinate ministry positions need to relate through their Senior Minister. Affiliation is based on relationship, and affiliates must be prepared to relate with the leadership and other affiliates.
Affiliation with K.A.N. DOES NOT necessarily mean that affiliated ministries can expect financial support, but rather a mutual support between K.A.N. and the affiliated ministry. Affiliated ministries are asked to commit for one-year, with our partnership being renewed on an annual basis. At said time, each party (K.A.N. or The Affiliated Ministry) has the option of discontinuing the relationship.
Affiliated Ministries can expect to receive: regular communication from us, ability to contact us whenever prayer or encouragement is needed and above all, the ministry backing of prayer, wisdom, and spiritual covering of seasoned men and women of God whom are flowing in vision and purpose. K.A.N. will personally come and minister at Affiliated Ministries and to their affiliates (as the Lord permits), at periodic times throughout the year. The leadership of K.A.N. is further committed to assisting you define and clarify your vision and mission - that you might be successful in fulfilling your God-given mandate.